Janny de Moor Janny de Moor

Korean pancake


Baking tool:

  • non stick frying pan,
  • bottom 20 cm diameter


Batter (makes 4 pancakes):

  • 240 g buckwheat flour
  • 1 tsp salt (4 g)
  • 400 ml water


Dip (Cho Chang):

  • 6 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp white (rice)vinegar
  • 2 tsp sesame oil (10 ml)


Cucumber salad (Oee Saengchae):

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped green of scallion
  • 3-6 tbsp white (rice)vinegar
  • 1 garlic glove, crushed
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt (2 g)
  • 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp roasted sesame seed



  • 4 scallions
  • 100 g carrot
  • 1 green or red hot pepper
  • 300 g sea fruit cocktail
  • 8 small eggs


For cooking:

  • oil

Cheju-do Haemul Chon, as the name tells us, stems from the Korean island Cheju in the Yellow Sea. A place where many Koreans spend their honeymoon because of the white blossom splendour of the buckwheat fields. Such a magic view that extensive festivities are devoted to it.

The gluten free buckwheat, often associated with Northern areas, has its roots in China, where this crop is grown for at least 2000 years. It was introduced to Europe not earlier than the 15th century. No wonder that people in China, Japan and Korea could make more of it than people in northern Europe like my countrymen the Dutch with their groat porridge and heavy pancakes. In Korea buckwheat noodles are made and also for instance this type of refined pancakes. Of course with something from the sea on it, and how clever to decorate the dark batter with eggs!

  • Batter. For the pancakes mix flour, salt and water. Beat into a smooth batter. Cover and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
  • Dip. Mix the ingredients and pour into bowls.
  • Cucumber salad. Wash the cucumber. Slice thinly, mix with scallion, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt. Leave to rest. Drain before serving, stir in the oil and sprinkle with sesame seed to get Oee Saengchae.
  • Decoration. Slice the scallions in thin stripes (not too much of the green), do the same with carrot (peeler) and pepper (with or without the seeds). Mix with the sea fruit. Divide into 4 portions.
  • Cooking. Heat 1/2 dessertspoon of oil in the frying pan over a moderate flame. Stir the batter and pour 150 ml into the pan, tilting and turning the pan until the base is evenly covered. Cover with 1 portion of mixed sea fruit. Top with two beaten eggs. Cook covered about 3 minutes or until the eggs are set. Then flip over with a spatula and cook the second side for a moment. Serve the pancakes warm, sliced into wedges with the decorated side up, accompanied by the dip and cucumber salad.

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